
Step 1. Remove old chat resource

Delete chat or any other chat resource, It's generally located in \resources\[cfx-default]\[gameplay]\chat

Step 2. Install dependencies

Install the dependencies if they are not installed.

Step 3. Download lvs_chat

Download the lvs-chat package from your keymaster. It contains two resources: chat and lvs_chat_extra. Place both inside the resources folder.

Do not change the name of the chat resource.

Step 4. Script initiate (server.cfg)

The chat should go where it normally does at the beginning, and lvs_chat_extra should go after ox_lib


set resources_useSystemChat false # set false to build-in chat (newest version of fxserver))


# These resources will start by default.
ensure mapmanager
ensure chat # <-- still here
ensure spawnmanager
ensure sessionmanager


ensure ox_lib
ensure lvs_chat_extra # <-- somewhere after ox_lib


Step 5. Config

Now configure and translate your resources.

Config files

chat/config.lua lvs_chat_extra/config.lua lvs_chat_extra/server/webhook.lua

Step 6. qb-core

Open qb-core/server/commands.lua remove the commands ooc and me (line 272).

This ones:

-- Out of Character Chat
QBCore.Commands.Add('ooc', Lang:t(''), {}, false, function(source, args)
    local message = table.concat(args, ' ')
    local Players = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayers()
    local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
    local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(source))
    for _, v in pairs(Players) do
        if v == source then
            TriggerClientEvent('chat:addMessage', v, {
                color = QBCore.Config.Commands.OOCColor,
                multiline = true,
                args = { 'OOC | ' .. GetPlayerName(source), message }
        elseif #(playerCoords - GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(v))) < 20.0 then
            TriggerClientEvent('chat:addMessage', v, {
                color = QBCore.Config.Commands.OOCColor,
                multiline = true,
                args = { 'OOC | ' .. GetPlayerName(source), message }
        elseif QBCore.Functions.HasPermission(v, 'admin') then
            if QBCore.Functions.IsOptin(v) then
                TriggerClientEvent('chat:addMessage', v, {
                    color = QBCore.Config.Commands.OOCColor,
                    multiline = true,
                    args = { 'Proximity OOC | ' .. GetPlayerName(source), message }
                TriggerEvent('qb-log:server:CreateLog', 'ooc', 'OOC', 'white', '**' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. '** (CitizenID: ' .. Player.PlayerData.citizenid .. ' | ID: ' .. source .. ') **Message:** ' .. message, false)
end, 'user')

-- Me command

QBCore.Commands.Add('me', Lang:t(''), { { name = Lang:t(''), help = Lang:t('') } }, false, function(source, args)
    if #args < 1 then
        TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', source, Lang:t('error.missing_args2'), 'error')
    local ped = GetPlayerPed(source)
    local pCoords = GetEntityCoords(ped)
    local msg = table.concat(args, ' '):gsub('[~<].-[>~]', '')
    local Players = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayers()
    for i = 1, #Players do
        local Player = Players[i]
        local target = GetPlayerPed(Player)
        local tCoords = GetEntityCoords(target)
        if target == ped or #(pCoords - tCoords) < 20 then
            TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Command:ShowMe3D', Player, source, msg)
end, 'user')

Last updated