Explore and fine-tune your settings effortlessly. Customize your script experience according to your preferences
In the config folder, you'll find a series of files starting with clothing_*.lua followed by the name of the supported clothing system. These files are used to provide initial characteristics to created characters. For example, if you have lvs_clothing on your server, you should replace the name of the file clothing_lvs-clothing.lua with clothing.lua.
Configuration File
Config = {}
Config.Framework = 'qb' -- qb - esx
Config.Slots = {
Max = 3,
Free = 1
Config.TebexLink = 'https://lvs.tebex.io/category/standalone'
Config.CanDelete = true -- Can player delete your own characters
Config.NoSpecialCharacter = false -- Disable special characters in name?
Config.MaxNameLength = 20 -- Max Name Length.
Config.DateFormat = 'DD/MM/YYYY'-- Choices: DD/MM/YYYY | MM/DD/YYYY | YYYY/MM/DD
Config.MinAge = 10 -- 10 years old is the youngest you can be.
Config.MaxAge = 100 -- 100 years old is the oldest you can be.
Config.MinHeight = 120 -- 120 cm lowest height
Config.MaxHeight = 220 -- 220 cm max height.
Config.Clothing = 'lvs_clothing' -- lvs_clothing | qb-clothing | illenium-appearance | skinchanger | custom
--[[ QBCore Options ]]--
Config.QB = {
UseApartments = true, -- If you make it true, the [new character] will spawn at Apartment.
SpawnCoords = { -- If UseApartments is false, it spawns the [new character here]
[1] = vector4(-1039.71, -2741.09, 20.17, 330.62),
[2] = vector4(-1036.18, -2741.49, 20.17, 28.26),
[3] = vector4(-1040.92, -2736.71, 20.17, 269.66)
-- can add more or just have one
CreateFirstCharacter = 'qb-clothes:client:CreateFirstCharacter', -- If UseApartments is false, it spawns at SpawnCoords and create the character
UseSpawnSelector = true, -- Use qb-spawn?, false = spawn in last location and disable UseApartments
--[[ ESX Options ]]--
Config.ESX = {
-- IMPORTANT: default spawn coords after register, in ESX, are located on es_extended\config.lua Config.DefaultSpawns
UseSpawnSelector = false, -- Use lvs_spawnselector?, false = spawn in last location
Relog = true -- user can use relog command
Config.Images = { -- Images for jobs
default = './img/default.png', -- default is not a job, is required as default image
police = './img/police.png',
ambulance = './img/ambulance.png',
mechanic = './img/mechanic.png'
-- You can add more jobs
Config.UIColors = {
primary = '#00f8b9',
secondary = '#1A6250',
button1 = 'rgba(0, 248, 185, 0.55)',
button2 = 'rgba(0, 248, 185, 0.22)'