Explore and fine-tune your settings effortlessly. Customize your script experience according to your preferences
Configuration File
Config = {}
Config.Job = 'reporter'
Config.UseAnimation = true -- use animation when read the newspaper
Config.Items = {
camera = 'lvs_camera',
microphone = 'lvs_microphone',
boom_microphone = 'lvs_boom_microphone',
newspaper = 'lvs_newspaper'
Config.Blip = {
enable = true,
label = 'Weazel News',
coords = vector3(-607.16, -933.17, 23.86)
Config.Boss = {
coords = vector3(-583.83, -929.49, 28.0),
label = 'Boos Menu'
Config.Stashes = {
coords = {
vector3(-573.42, -922.67, 23.83),
vector3(-581.24, -920.44, 28.04),
id = 'Weazel Stash',
label = 'Open Stash',
slots = 50,
weight = 100000,
Config.Cloakroom = {
coords = vector3(-584.55, -938.96, 23.87),
label = 'Change outfit',
outfit = {
male = {
name = "Outfit 1",
tags = "No tags",
outfitData = {
["arms"] = {item = 1, texture = 0}, -- Arms
["t-shirt"] = {item = 15, texture = 0}, -- T-Shirt
["torso2"] = {item = 87, texture = 1}, -- Jackets
["vest"] = {item = 0, texture = 0}, -- Vest
["decals"] = {item = 0, texture = 0}, -- Decals
["accessory"] = {item = 0, texture = 0}, -- Neck
["bag"] = {item = 0, texture = 0}, -- Bag
["pants"] = {item = 59, texture = 0}, -- Pants
["shoes"] = {item = 25, texture = 0}, -- Shoes
["mask"] = {item = 16, texture = 1}, -- Mask
["hat"] = {item = 14, texture = 4}, -- Hat
["glass"] = {item = 0, texture = 0}, -- Glasses
["ear"] = {item = 0, texture = 0} -- Ear accessories
grades = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4},
female = {
name = "Outfit 1",
tags = "No Tags",
outfitData = {
["arms"] = {item = 3, texture = 0}, -- Arms
["t-shirt"] = {item = 3, texture = 0}, -- T-Shirt
["torso2"] = {item = 81, texture = 1}, -- Jackets
["vest"] = {item = 0, texture = 0}, -- Vest
["decals"] = {item = 0, texture = 0}, -- Decals
["accessory"] = {item = 0, texture = 0}, -- Neck
["bag"] = {item = 0, texture = 0}, -- Bag
["pants"] = {item = 61, texture = 0}, -- Pants
["shoes"] = {item = 33, texture = 6}, -- Shoes
["mask"] = {item = 16, texture = 1}, -- Mask
["hat"] = {item = 0, texture = 0}, -- Hat
["glass"] = {item = 0, texture = 0}, -- Glasses
["ear"] = {item = 0, texture = 0} -- Ear accessories
grades = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4},
Config.Editor = {
coords = vector3(-571.85, -935.78, 23.77),
label = 'Edit Newspaper'
Config.Vending = {
model = 'prop_news_disp_02a',
label = 'Buy Newspaper',
empty = 'Vending empty',
coords = {
vector3(-626.18, -976.13, 21.23),
vector3(128.7, -981.7, 29.22),
vector3(308.69, -358.38, 45.04)
Config.Elevator = {
[1] = {
keypad = {coords = vector3(-589.71, -928.61, 24.09)},
spawn = {coords = vector4(-588.84, -928.87, 22.87, 174.74)},
label = 'G', -- this can by a floor number 0
description = 'Ground Floor'
[2] = {
keypad = {coords = vector3(-589.67, -928.6, 28.33)},
spawn = {coords = vector4(-588.84, -928.93, 27.16, 180.12)},
label = 'T', -- Top floor
description = 'Top Floor'
[3] = { -- you can remove this, thereโs no elevator. You can only reach the helipad by stairs
keypad = {coords = vector3(-568.51, -926.86, 37.07)},
spawn = {coords = vector4(-569.34, -927.74, 35.83, 85.44)},
label = 'H', -- Helipad
description = 'Helipad'
Config.Shop = {
id = 'WeazelStore',
name = 'Weazel Store',
items = {
{ name = 'lvs_empty_tape', price = 40, amount = 40 },
{ name = 'lvs_empty_notepad', price = 10, amount = 100 },
{ name = 'lvs_camera', price = 10, amount = 10 },
{ name = 'lvs_microphone', price = 10, amount = 10 },
{ name = 'lvs_boom_microphone', price = 10, amount = 10 }
-- These are the prices you'll be paid for the materials obtained.
-- It's a minimum and maximum range, and the payment will fall within that range
Config.Prices = {
lvs_full_tape = {100, 200},
lvs_high_value_tape = {300, 600},
lvs_full_notepad = {10, 30},
lvs_high_value_notepad = {100, 300},
-- You can create more items and let your imagination run wild.
-- You can create areas where the chance of an interview is low, making the note more valuable, or capture
-- a video in a hard-to-reach area and increase the reward by creating more items
Config.Camera = {
news = {
label = 'News Cam',
key = 'E', -- for display
keyIndex = 38 --
movie = {
label = 'Movie Cam',
key = 'M',
keyIndex = 244
Config.Interview = {
label = 'Interview',
key = 'E',
keyIndex = 38,
distance = 1.5,
progress = 'Interviewing...'
Config.UI = {
colors = {
primary = {0, 248, 185}, -- table: {R, G, B} (
secondary = {0, 102, 76},
red = {}, -- not used
Config.Lang = {
ui = {
description1 = 'Please enter the name of the newspaper you wish to configure for distribution in the vending machines.,',
description2 = 'Next, upload the images that will constitute each page of the newspaper. It is crucial that all images are uniform in size and possess the appropriate quality for display.',
description3 = 'Finally, specify the price you wish to set for the newspaper\'s sale in the vending machines',
enable_title = 'Enable Newspaper',
enable_description = 'Enable to buy on vending?',
enabled = 'ENABLED',
disabled = 'DISABLED',
edit_title = 'Title',
edit_title_desc = 'Title of the newspaper',
edit_images = 'Pages',
edit_images_desc = 'URLs of the images',
edit_images_placeholder = 'Enter the URLs of the images for each page, separated by spaces or with one URL per line.',
edit_price = 'Price',
edit_price_desc = 'Newspaper price',
edit_price_placeholder = 'Enter the price of the newspaper in the vending machines',
submit = 'Submit'
video = {
required = 'You don\'t have a clean tape for record a video',
interview = {
required = 'You don\'t have a required notepad for write the interview',
refused = 'The citizen does not want to give a interview',
notification_title = 'Weazel News',
already_working = 'You already job to do!',
cooldown = 'You need to wait %s for the next task',
no_money = 'You don\'t have enough money',
updated = 'Newspaper Updated!',
updated_error = 'Error occur when update newspaper',
enough_space = 'There is not enough space in your inventory',
paid = 'You have been paid $%s for %s x%s',
no_items = 'You don\'t have any material to deliver to us',
task_done = 'Congratulations, deliver the obtained materials to your superior at the headquarters',
garage = 'Garage',
helicopter = 'Helicopter',
vehicle_head_menu = 'Vehicle List'
Config.VersionControl = true
Last updated