Explore and fine-tune your settings effortlessly. Customize your script experience according to your preferences
Configuration File
Config = {}
Config.OpenKey = 'F10' -- change it whatever keybind do you like -- look more here https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/keyboard/
Config.ShowInfo = 'steam' -- discord | steam | game, Show player info from
Config.ShowStaff = true -- if true staff badge will show near the name
Config.StaffAcePerm = { -- if ShowStaff = true
{AcePerm = 'go', label = 'GO'},
{AcePerm = 'admin', label = 'ADMIN'},
{AcePerm = 'god', label = 'GOD'}
-- ### PAY ATTENTION! ###
-- The RGB values below are expressed in table type and not as strings like in the other LVS scripts.
Config.UI = {
colors = {
primary = {0, 248, 185}, -- table: {R, G, B} (https://g.co/kgs/6PaotAk)
secondary = {0, 102, 76},
red = {248, 105, 105},
Config.VersionControl = true
Config.onOpenClose = function(state)
if state then
--TriggerEvent('lv-core:client:hideHud') -- hide the hud on player list open
--TriggerEvent('lv-core:client:showHud') -- restore hud when close player list