-- show up the alert
title = 'Box Title',
message = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. \n Aenean vitae.'
--time = 10000 -- [optional] The time in milliseconds you want the alert to disappear
-- update the title and mesagge on the visible alert
title = 'New Title',
message = 'Message updated'
-- hide the alert
Server-side using events
-- show up the alert
TriggerClientEvent('lvs_lib:client:showAlert', source, {
title = 'Box Title',
message = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. \n Aenean vitae.'
--time = 10000 -- [optional] The time in milliseconds you want the alert to disappear
-- hide the alert
TriggerClientEvent('lvs_lib:client:hideAlert', source)