Explore and fine-tune your settings effortlessly. Customize your script experience according to your preferences
Configuration File
Config = {}
Config.Lang = 'en'
Config.Notify = 'lvs_lib' -- lvs_lib, ox_lib, qb, esx
Config.TextUI = 'lvs_lib' -- lvs_lib, ox_lib, qb, esx
--- ### HOW TO OPEN A SHOP ###
-- by default is TextUI
Config.UseRadialMenu = false
Config.Radial = 'ox_lib' -- ox_lib, qb-radialmenu
Config.UseTarget = false
Config.Target = 'ox_target' -- ox_target, qb-target
Config.EnablePedsForShops = true
Config.EnablePedsForClothingRooms = true
Config.EnablePedsForPlayerOutfitRooms = true
--- ### PRICES ###
Config.ClothingCost = 150
Config.BarberCost = 50
Config.TattooCost = 100
Config.SurgeonCost = 1000
-- Charge players per tattoo.
-- Config.TattooCost will become the cost of 1 tattoo. The cost can be overridden by adding `cost` key in config/tattoos.lua for specific tattoos
Config.ChargePerTattoo = true
-- Set this to true if you're using rcore_tattoos
Config.RCoreTattoos = false
--- ### COMMANDS ###
Config.Commands = {
Reload = 'reloadskin',
ClearProps = 'clearstuckprops',
Cooldown = 5000 -- Cooldown for this commands
Config.AdminCommands = {
Enabled = true,
AdminAce = 'group.admin',
PedCommand = 'pedmenu',
ClothingCommand = 'clothingmenu',
FaceCommand = 'facemenu',
AllCommand = 'allmenu',
Config.Aces = {'group.admin'} -- list of ace permissions used for blacklisting
Config.HideRadar = false -- Hides the minimap while the menu is open
Config.InvincibleDuringCustomization = true
Config.NewCharacterSections = {
Ped = false, -- Set this to true if you want player able to chosen a custom ped at character creation
HeadBlend = true,
FaceFeatures = true,
HeadOverlays = true,
Components = true,
Props = true,
Config.AlwaysKeepProps = false
-- ## ONX Faces (onx_mp_faces) ##
Config.ONXFaces = false -- if you have onx_mp_faces as addon, set to true
Config.PersistUniforms = false -- Keeps Job / Gang Outfits on player reconnects / logout
Config.OnDutyOnlyClothingRooms = false -- Set to `true` to make the clothing rooms accessible only to players who are On Duty
-- If you have lvs_multichar, ignore this configuration. It is overridden when using the multicharacter.
-- Set up your initial character preferences in lvs_multichar/config/clothing/lvs.lua as desired
Config.InitialPlayerClothes = {
Male = {
Model = "mp_m_freemode_01",
Components = {
component_id = 0, -- Face
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 1, -- Mask
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 2, -- Hair
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 3, -- Upper Body
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 4, -- Lower Body
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 5, -- Bag
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 6, -- Shoes
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 7, -- Scarf & Chains
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 8, -- Shirt
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 9, -- Body Armor
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 10, -- Decals
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 11, -- Jacket
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
Props = {
prop_id = 0, -- Hat
drawable = -1,
texture = -1
prop_id = 1, -- Glasses
drawable = -1,
texture = -1
prop_id = 2, -- Ear
drawable = -1,
texture = -1
prop_id = 6, -- Watch
drawable = -1,
texture = -1
prop_id = 7, -- Bracelet
drawable = -1,
texture = -1
Hair = {
color = 0,
highlight = 0,
style = 0,
texture = 0
Female = {
Model = "mp_f_freemode_01",
Components = {
component_id = 0, -- Face
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 1, -- Mask
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 2, -- Hair
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 3, -- Upper Body
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 4, -- Lower Body
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 5, -- Bag
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 6, -- Shoes
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 7, -- Scarf & Chains
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 8, -- Shirt
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 9, -- Body Armor
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 10, -- Decals
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
component_id = 11, -- Jacket
drawable = 0,
texture = 0
Props = {
prop_id = 0, -- Hat
drawable = -1,
texture = -1
prop_id = 1, -- Glasses
drawable = -1,
texture = -1
prop_id = 2, -- Ear
drawable = -1,
texture = -1
prop_id = 6, -- Watch
drawable = -1,
texture = -1
prop_id = 7, -- Bracelet
drawable = -1,
texture = -1
Hair = {
color = 0,
highlight = 0,
style = 0,
texture = 0
Config.ClothesOff = {
male = {
hat = -1, -- prop drawable id
mask = 0, -- component drawable id
glasses = -1, -- prop drawable id
bag = 0, -- component drawable id
pants = 61, -- component drawable id
shoes = 34, -- component drawable id
-- To remove the jacket, it's necessary to change more than one component, like jacket, undershirt, arms and decals
-- so the value of the jacket is a table with the component ID and the drawable ID
jacket = {
{11, 252}, -- jacket
{3, 15}, -- undershirt
{8, 15}, -- arms
{10, 0} -- decals
female = {
hat = -1,
mask = 0,
glasses = -1,
bag = 0,
pants = 15,
shoes = 35,
jacket = {
{11, 15},
{8, 14},
{3, 15},
{10, 0},
Config.WearQuickAccess = {
enable = true, -- false disable completely this feature, set to false if you have your own menu
-- keyboard key to open menu, if you set this to false you can open and close the menu with events
-- lvs_clothing:client:OpenQuickWearClothes & lvs_clothing:client:CloseQuickWearClothes
key = 'K',
Last updated