
Step 1. Download lvs_weazelnews package

Download the lvs_weazelnews package from your keymaster. The best way to place the downloaded files is by creating a folder [lvs] in resources, where you can put all the scripts related to this LVS Store.

Step 2. Install dependencies

Install the dependencies if they are not installed.


Included in the package


Included in the package


Included in the package


Included in the package

Please note that the script requires lvs_interact and lvs_npcdialog. You can set up any interaction you desire; the events are available in the configuration file. We can assist you with integration to other script, but we won't do it for you.

Download this assets : link

Step 3. Config

Now configure and translate your resources.

Config files

config/config.lua config/dialog.lua config/garage.lua config/task.lua

Step 4. Start the script (server.cfg)

In the server.cfg file, you need to start or ensure the scripts

ensure qb-core
# ... some others
start ox_lib
# lvs_bridge should go right after ensure the framework resource and before any other LVS scripts
start lvs_bridge
start lvs_lib
start lvs_interact
start lvs_npcdialog
start lvs_elevators
# ... some others
start lvs_weazelnews # ... or ensure [lvs]

ESX Framework

In ESX framework, you need to create the job and the ranks. If you don't know how to do it, in the install folder you can find the .sql file with the queries. Remember to configure the script with the number of ranks you create

Last updated