
Explore and fine-tune your settings effortlessly. Customize your script experience according to your preferences

Configuration File

-- Note: Update v1.7
-- Due some vehicles are extremely strong than other, the script is based on the damage received and
-- the deceleration of the vehicle to calculate the accident.
-- Accident take effect when 'damage' or 'deceleration' it is greater than those set here in the config
-- increases 'damage' and 'deceleration' at each level

Config = {}
Config.Debug = false -- Use only for testing purpose
Config.UseBaseEvents = false -- If you have base events improve performance

-- The crash effect works according to the damage a vehicle receives, there are 5 levels according to it, you can create more if you wish
-- The blacking out effect is due to the speed deceleration, if the vehicle decelerates rapidly by the threshold you set, the player blacks out
Config.Levels = { -- effects levels
	[1] = {
		damage = 30, 		-- Vehicle damage
		deceleration = 50, 	-- Vehicle deceleration (KMH)
		time = 6, 		-- Effect time in seconds
	[2] = {
		damage = 40, 		-- Vehicle damage
		deceleration = 70, 	-- Vehicle deceleration (KMH)
		time = 12, 		-- Effect time in seconds
	[3] = {
		damage = 60, 		-- Vehicle damage
		deceleration = 90, 	-- Vehicle deceleration (KMH)
		time = 20, 		-- Effect time in seconds
		blackout = { 		-- Blackout effect is base on deceleration
			enabled = true,	-- Enable/Disable
			speedThreshold = 110, 	-- Speed in KMH
			time = 6				-- Time in seconds
	[4] = {
		damage = 80,
		deceleration = 120,
		time = 25,
		blackout = {
			enabled = true,
			speedThreshold = 120,
			time = 10
	[5] = {
		damage = 100,
		deceleration = 150,
		time = 30,
		blackout = {
			enabled = true,
			speedThreshold = 150,
			time = 12

-- Enable the disabling of controls if the player is blacked out
Config.DisableControlsOnBlackout = true -- Disable controls when blackout is active ?
Config.MessageOnBlackout = 'Estas inconsciente por el accidente'

-- Multiplier of screen shaking strength
Config.ScreenShakeMultiplier = 0.1

-- Disable the effects on some classes or vehicle individually
Vehicle Classes:
0: Compacts     1: Sedans       2: SUVs         3: Coupes       4: Muscle       5: Sports Classics
6: Sports       7: Super        8: Motorcycles  9: Off-road     10: Industrial  11: Utility
12: Vans        13: Cycles      14: Boats       15: Helicopters 16: Planes      17: Service
18: Emergency   19: Military    20: Commercial  21: Trains
Config.IgnoreVehicleClass = {8, 13, 14, 15, 16} -- disable the script for this vehicle class
Config.IgnoreVehicle = {'some_model'} -- disable the script for this vehicles

-- Notification function, modify according to your needs
Config.Notify = function(text, type, time)
	exports['lv-player']:Alert('Accidente', text, type, time)

Config.Notify is only for displaying a message when the character is unconscious. If you use native functions, it won't be visible because the screen goes black. You should use some notification/alert system with UI to make it visible above the black screen.

Last updated